Saturday, October 10, 2015

Week 4 - William Chan 'Capitalism'

The TPP's regulations and standards are another way the US can create new ways to capitalize on making more profits and finding new ways to exploit and take advantage of the lower class in other countries. They're already exists of extremely low paying wages for labor in the countries the TPP are planning on creating new jobs in. The new jobs dont and wont help the people in the new countries, it simply keeps the lower class in other countries to be in the lower class. The intention of the US is to maximize profits, as used in the example with Nike and it's under paid overseas workers, so with finding new people to work for them, this only keeps those people under paid; its not like they're giving them a raise and enough money to change their lives. The TPP's strategic platform also is very immoral because they're making it so their regulations, rules, and stipulations are under a secret court and would not be able to be put through any trials in America. So, the outsiders of the TPP will never know how their business is regulated nor conducted. I agree that this TPP organization is flawed and they're finding ways to create new loop holes to capitalize and exploit on another level.

When will the labor wages be raised as an issue as a global issue since it is creating an imbalance economically and a way we treat other people ?

Mel Gurtov. “The Trans­Pacific Partnership­ A Deeply Flawed Partnership.”

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