Thursday, October 8, 2015

Courtney Saeteurn Week 4: The Trans Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership

In this article by Mel Gurtov, he speaks about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its negative affects that it would have not only in Asian countries but also in the United States. Gurtov makes his negative opinions clear in the article explaining that this partnership is not between two consenting parties but instead more of a slave and master relationship where the U.S. has the upper hand. The economics of this deal will keep the 1% rich and the 99% poor. This deal can only be successful with the consumer culture that we have today. If people did not demand material goods at the rate at which we do these factories would not exist. The need for them would diminish and the partnership would not need to happen. This partnership will continue to incorporate the world. Incorporations institutionalize people in a society to follow guidelines that place them in an endless circle. For example a factory worker will work in horrendous conditions to support their family. They can never leave this job because its a necessity and they can never rally against it because of the international laws that protect the factory. This will become a norm for future generations and will keep people in miserable living conditions.

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