Friday, November 13, 2015

week 9 blog-Pahnia Vang

The chapter of Social Transformations from Virtual Communities expressed many important factors in regards to information communication technology (ICT) and Vietnam during late 1960s. The establishment of transnational virtual communities through the usage of computer servers and information technology has brought the homeland Viet Nam and overseas Viet Nam communities together as noted in the chapter through shared sentiments and collaborated work such as the No-Nike labor rights campaign. With the spread and advancement of information technology, the transnational ties becomes even stronger between overseas and homeland Vietnamese. Considering communism influence back at the homeland and the anti-communism sentiments abroad during this sensitive time period, the support coming from both sides of the Vietnamese community was staggering such as in the case of the No-Nike labor rights campaign. What can be seen from this chapter goes to show how virtual communities online can bring on changes within people who think and act differently in perspectives. I would say that through the buildups of these online communities gathered many people around the world together to change the world. Even today, most collaborated works are organized through the use of advanced technology and it will only get bigger and better.

Question: How do you feel about the use of advanced technology today in regards to the impacts it produces worldwide? 

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