Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 10: Courtney Saeteurn

In the article, "In the Shadows of Stonewall Examining Gay Transnational and the Diasporic Dilemma" by Martin Manalansan "problematizes the cultural production, circulation, and receptions of an 'international' gay and lesbian movement by juxtaposing these and other similar texts against Filipino 'gay' men." The author explains how there is a difference in how homosexuality is defined between the historical ages and the modern definition. Another point the author makes is that 'gay' is always talked about in regards to capitalist expansion. Stonewall is said to have initiated the circulation of the gay political movement. The audience of this article is for people who read "A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies." These people are probably aware of the criticisms of Stonewall but the author does a good job in presenting the material in a new perspective with Filipino gay writers. Since history is always written in the context of a white man it is nice to see the views from an Asian.

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