Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week 8 - Sunny Tran

Bernard Scott Lucious. “Into the Black Pacific: Testimonies of Vietnamese Afro­Amerasian Displacements.”

Lucious uses the lived experiences of blackness as testimonials to describe what he calls the "Black Pacific", the study of the black experience in relation to the Asia-Pacific. In times of highlighted anti-blackness in the United States, especially within the Asian American community, it's important to address not just the relationship between the Black and Asian identity, but also the areas and experiences in which they overlap and are inextricably intertwined. It's also important to address the presence of anti-blackness between groups, such as in the testimonial where a black person was accepted into the Cambodian community and not the Vietnamese community, because their skin color was more similar to Cambodians than the Vietnamese. How can we use the history and experiences of Afro-Asians to address anti-blackness today?

Vietnamese Amerasians celebrating their heritage

Vietnamese Amerasians celebrate their heritage (Smithsonian Magazine)

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