Sunday, November 22, 2015

week 4 blog: Ralph Imatong

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership

Mel Gurtov's article about TPP has shared many lights about what it really means in terms of international relationship of the US with the countries that were involved. In here Gurtov's pointed that the TPP was a move for the US to stop China from gaining power in the global scheme. One of the countries that joined TPP is Vietnam. Indeed Vietnam is an emerging economic country in the pacific rim. However, aside from economic gain, I think that Vietnam joined the US under TPP as a military protection against the Chinese. China and Vietnam has been disputing a territory that is believed to be Vietnam's. Since China is gaining power economically and militarily, they are claiming numerous islands that are not their -- Paracel Island which is believed to be Vietnam's territory is one of them. It could be that Vietnam's participation in the TPP also means military support if China continues to oppress Vietnam.

Aside from what Gurtov listed on what TPP is, could it also be that TPP is one way for the US to expand its empire?

An image of a protester in Japan who is against TPP.


Gustov, Mel. "The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership." Asia-Pacific Journal: Hapan Focus, Vol. 13, May 13. 2015.

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