Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 8: Courtney Saeteurn

In  Takeyuki (Gaku) Tsuda's "When Minorities Migrate: The Radicalization of the Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan the chapter examines "the impact of different racial idealogies on the ethnic identities of transmigrates by examining the ethnic "return" migration of second and third generation Japanese Brazilians to Japan as unskilled foreign workers." The author spent several months in Brazil studying and doing interviews of the two different Japanese Brazilian neighborhoods in Brazil. The chapter basically summarizes that the Japanese Brazilians experience the same phenomenon that Asian Americans experience as the forever foreigner. When the Japanese Brazilians go back to Japan they are not seen as natives or people who belong and also in Brazil this group of people are never seen as belonging to Brazil. This phenomenon is probably world spread in not only Asian cultures but across all racial and ethnic groups. I think that this is perpetuated through the media. The media places these groups into these categories and keeps them locked in. A change in the roles portrayed by these categories would perpetuate more acceptance of these people.

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