Friday, November 6, 2015

Kevin Lee- Week 8 Blog Post

            In K. Scott Wong’s “Diaspora, Displacements, and the Construction of Transnational Identities,” he talks about transnationalism was formed through “the movement of goods, capital, people, and ideologies.” Wong states “As the globalization of capital, labor, and the movement of migrants increases, the cultural identity of those in transit and those who settle in distant lands become more fluid and decentered.” Wong also states that transnational identities are perhaps an accumulation of many needs needed to survive. I found this interesting because Wong also mentions Stuart Hall’s statement that cultural identity is a matter of becoming as well as of being. Cultural identities have histories, and these histories are what shape the lives of the people. However, due to the factors that caused transnationalism to form, the histories that come from cultural identity are constantly changing; therefore, people with transnational identities have a difficult time accepting their transnational or (multi-)cultural identities.

Question: Will transnational identities ever be fully recognized? Will people be able to fully embrace their transnational identity?

Work Cited:
Wong, K. Scott. “Diasporas, Displacements, and the Construct of Transnational Identities.”Displacements and Diasporas: Asians in the Americas. Ed. Wanni W. Anderson and Robert G. Lee. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2005. 41-53. Print.

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