Sunday, November 22, 2015

week 10: Kristina Nguyen

"In the Shadows of Stonewall" written by Martin F. Manalansan describes the transformation behind "Stonewall"-- "from localized descriptions of a police raid on a Greenwich Village bar to globalized descriptions of a revolutionary moment for gays and lesbians everywhere." I found it particularly interesting when Manalansan showcased how survey entries with regards to how society views gays are: 1. "closeted homosexuality is tolerated and 2. "sex tourism" is seen as negative. It's true that society seems to "understand" why a homosexual person would hide their sexuality and view "sex tourism" in a negative light. I personally think everyone is free to do whatever they feel is more comfortable for them; but we need to understand that we need to cooperate to make communities feel more comfortable about coming out about their sexuality. I think sex tourism is great and sets a culture for gays. I agree there may be some negatives but if it is able to make people of the community feel accepted I do not think it should be looked down upon. What are some reasons people view "sex tourism" as negative? The following shows some of the most popular places for sex tourism and it looks fun!

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