Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 8 Blog: Kurt Romero

In the reading, "When Minorities Migrate", Tsuda explains Japanese from Brazil migrating back to their homeland and bringing some of that culture with them. No matter where Asians migrate in the world, they will always be seen as a foreigner and in Brazil, they are called "Japones". Majority of them have a different lifestyle because when they go back to their homeland, they are seen to be "Brazilian" similar to how Asian Americans are seen when they go back to their homeland. This is because they were raised in a different environment other than their homeland. They act in a specific way and they are perceived based on their actions. In the article, it says that the Japanese enjoy the life in Brazil than back at home. The future generations as in the second or third will eventually or have already lost their Japanese custom. However, they enjoy both of their customs.

Question: Do you think Asian Americans today constantly seek a different culture to help define themselves?

Work Cited


Takeyuki (Gaku) Tsuda. "When Minorities Migrate: The Racialization of the Japanese Brazilians in
Brazil and Japan." 2007. Asian Diasporas. California: Stanford University Press.

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