Saturday, January 18, 2020

Week3_Colleen Cruz_ASA114

The main takeaway from this week's reading is that one cannot separate the diaspora and transnationalism from Asian-American studies/ethnic studies and the lived experiences of Asian-Americans. According to Christopher Lee, the experiences derived from diaspora and transnationalism play a key role in cultural representation and social relationships found in Asian-American and ethnic studies. Thus, there is no way to discuss the Asian American experience without discussing concepts like transnational social spaces, assimilation, long distance nationalism, simultaneity, and other key topics related to transnationalism mentioned by Schiller. Both authors would agree that diaspora cannot be confined to one nation-state as the Asian-American experience transcends borders. This means that the transnational and diasporic aspects of life are important topics to explore in education and in the social and cultural formations of the lives of immigrants. This stance is critical because much of education tends to be very domestic-centered which enforces assimilation and other forms of forgetting the homeland. Thus, these readings help make a strong case for highlighting the transnational experience.
Question: How will the Trump administration's anti-immigration regime affect transnationalism with various countries?

This photo contains many transnational corporations that operate in many countries.We can see brands that we use today. This represents how much transnationalism affects our daily lives.

Works Cited:
Anderson, W. W., & Lee, R. G. (2005). Displacements and diasporas: Asians in the Americas. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

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