Saturday, November 7, 2015

week 8 blog-Pahnia Vang

In the chapter of When Minorities Migrate: The Racialization of the Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan, the author focuses on Japanese Brazilians transmigrants in Brazil and Japan and the notion of “return” migration and how their very own identity changes with the flow of their perspective environment. In other words, the subject possesses a dual identity that is constantly being renegotiated within the sphere of location context.  I think that what the chapter presents not only applies to that of Japanese Brazilians but also to those living within the diaspora. For example, myself being an Asian American or more specifically Hmong American puts me into this sphere of renegotiation in the social and cultural context.  And what is more is that this identity renegotiation doesn’t just happen between nation states but also within the community itself. The switch of identity happens nonstop as we constantly participate in this type of racialization.

Question: In what ways have you felt that you have engaged in this form of identity crisis? And if so, how were you able to work along with both sides?


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