Saturday, February 29, 2020


Kieu-Linh Valverde’s chapter “Social Transformations from Virtual Communities” sheds light on how information communication technology (ICT) changed how Vietnam communicated with its citizens and its diaspora from the 1990s to present day. “From the early 1990s, ICT aided transnational connections and community-building building activities, allowing dialogue where none had previously existed between Vietnamese Americans, Vietnamese nationals, and other interested persons” (Valverde Kindle Locations 1099-1101). Professor Valverde discussed one aspect of ICT such as the VNForum which exposed Nike’s labor abuse practices in Vietnam. As we discussed in class, the rise of globalization and transnationalism leads to a wider scale economy. For example, the materials for the shoes Nike uses could be imported from a different country while laborers in Vietnam assemble the shoes. Without the use of the internet and online forums, the world would not know about Nike’s labor abuse practices. 

Kieu-Linh Valverde. “Social Transformations from Virtual Communities.” Transnationalizing Viet Nam. Kindle Edition. 

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