Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week9_Colleen Cruz_ASA114

Daniel Tsang sheds light on an important yet taboo topic -- Asian sexuality and LGBTQIA Asians. Growing up, I never discussed sex with my parents or family. However, my non-Asian peers would tell me how they had “the talk” with their parents. I was unsure if this was a cultural thing, but this reading shed light on Asian perceptions of sex. It was interesting to see that LGBTQIA Asians were able to find community with the Bulletin Board System where they could be themselves online and create relationships. This is important because coming out to Asian parents and family can be looked down upon because of heteronormativity. Thus, technology served to give LGBTQIA Asians a voice to talk about their sexuality. I found it especially interesting when Tsang talked about the ages that Asian men came out. There were differences depending on their ethnic group and it left me with a few questions. What cultural influences of each ethnic group affect the age that they come out as LGBTQIA? Does that even have an effect? Overall, this reading relates to the week’s concept of the Digital Age because I feel that my generation grew up with the internet. It was a place of exploration that influenced our identity development.

This video explores what it is like dating as an Asian man. I wish there was more focus on dating as an LGBTQIA Asian man, but this is also interesting to think about.

Works Cited:
Tsang, Daniel C. (1994). Notes on Queer ‘N Asian Virtual Sex. Amerasia Journal.

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