Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 7_Toan Tran_ASA 114

Lousia Schein, in her work of Diaspora Politics, Homeland Erotics and the Materializing of Memory.” and their Descendants in Brazil,” addresses how the Hmong people in diaspora had to adjust to a new life in the United States. Prior to college, I had not heard about Hmong people. It was only until I met a person on my dorm floor who identified as Hmong had I learned more about them. Then, when I took my first ASA (1) class here at Davis, I learned more about how the history of the Hmong people was intertwined with the Vietnamese. It is confusing, disappointing and frustrating to now realize that so much of the history is not included in textbooks, especially since they were a part of the Vietnam War, but dubbed the Secret War because no one knew about the people. Asia as a homeland is true for many diaspora groups, but I am sure that there are groups, not only just Hmong people who experience the same emotions. 

Q: What other groups of people may have had the same experiences as the ones Schein mentions in her work?

Image result for hmong diaspora

Works Cited

Louisa Schein. “Diaspora Politics, Homeland Erotics and the Materializing of Memory.” and their Descendants in Brazil.”


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