Friday, February 28, 2020

Week 9_Raymond Trinh_ASA 114

Raymond Trinh
ASA 114
Prof. Valverde 

In Notes on Queer ‘N Asian Virtual Sex, Daniel C. Tsang presents how queer Asian men assemble an online forum and analyzes how their identities are displayed to other users on this online virtual space. Tsang states, “Online, it is of course possible to reconstruct not only one’s sexual orientation, but also one’s racial and ethnic identity. And indeed one’s entire biography. In a racist society, it is perhaps surprising that not more do that” (123). Tsang found that many users hide their racial identity, in hopes of receiving more messages, while others explicitly reveal their racial identity, and receive messages from other racial groups. Furthermore, Tsang explores the term “rice queens” which contributes to desexualization since they only pursue Asians since they perceive Asians to be submissive and innocent. Tsang states, “(i.e., Asian males are seen as feminine); perception that Asians are submissive; and the rice queens’ obsession with things Asians (as indicated by decorating their residences with Asian knick knacks)” (124). Due to all the social interaction happening online, it becomes easier for users to be discriminatory, since users can simply ignore a message or eventually block them from contacting them anymore. 

How do Asian Americans perceive current dating apps now? 

Image result for lgbtq

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