Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 9- Sidney Siu

Sidney Siu
ASA 114
Week 9

In Daniel C. Tsang's journal, he discusses the ways in which sexuality has always been prevalent within society and all walks of life, while also being a very taboo topic to talk about. This is extremely apparent in Asian culture, where many families will try to stay away from having dialogue about sex-related topics, such as sexual desires, identity, romance, etc. He mentions that unlike other "desexualized computer nerd[s]," he used technology to connect to other gay Asian members through a Bulletin Board System. Having the technology to connect to various types of people around the world is an amazing advance in human development. It acts as a forum that allows individuals to share their experiences, come out of the closet, and ask questions that may concern them.
However, this growth in society still goes unacknowledged by much of the Asian communities around the world, as some countries are still anti-LGBTQ+. While this is still a concern for the lives of billions, it is important to recognize that circumstances are changing for the better as technology grows. How is that? For example, one might be going through a tough situation where they live, so if they had the mobility to move away, they could connect to potentially trustworthy people around the world so that they will not be completely alone during and after the move. This is why having platforms to speak up are crucial in the new age of society.

Image result for BBS lgbtq

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