Saturday, February 22, 2020

Week 8__Anna Yang __ASA114

After reading the reading “When Minorities Migrate: The racialization of the Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan” by Takeyuki Tsuda, it analyzes about the migration and inlfux of Japanese people from Japan to Brazil due to reasons for economy and how they then go back to their homeland because of similar issues. The author talks about how the difference of growing up culturally in different nations can have an impact for those who move back, in this context the Japanese Brazilians. However, as Japan is still a homogenous and very strict culture kind of country, the assimilation can be a bit hard to adjust to. Therefore, they are building diasporas that can reflect this change.  As being of both cultures, they found a way to incorporate both their homeland and the place they were raised. A concept I think is similar to this is asian americans going back to their mother land and feeling foreign. As for me, going back to Taiwan or China, I felt like a foreigner and wasn’t adapted to cultural norms as the impact of me being American was strong. Many saw me as Chinese but when I didn’t act the way I should be behaving, I was seen as an other chinese. It can be hard coming to a medium when it comes to mixing two cultures.

Q: How can the government of their homeland become more accommodating to their people coming back from other countries?

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