Saturday, February 15, 2020


Kieu-Linh Catoline Valverde’s Chapter “” sheds light on how Vietnamese music and other trends affected the Vietnamese diaspora and those in Vietnam. “Heavily influenced by exile and displacement, overseas Vietnamese popular music incorporates a special blend of nostalgia that appeals to members of diasporic communities and residents of Viet Nam” (Valverde Kindle Locations 561-562). Many thought that popular Vietnamese music trends such as Paris by Night would fizzle out in a decade. However, the nostalgia, resilience, and love for Vietnamese culture and music contributed to keeping PNB afloat. Even nowadays, when I visit my ong ba ngaoi in San Antonio, they usually have PNB playing on the TV. PNB holds a special place in their hearts, reminding them of their past and their place. This ties into transnational boundaries of culture as Vietnamese music transcends to different countries throughout the world. The emotional aspect of the diaspora carries the music and rich culture of their homeland.

Discussion Question:
What are other examples of Vietnamese culture that transcend into the diaspora?

Kieu-Linh Valverde. "Popular Music: Sounds of Home Resistance and Change." Transnationalizing Viet Nam: Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora. Kindle Edition.
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