Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 2 Reading

In the reading, “Asian American Formations in the Age of Globalization”, Evelyn Hu-Dehart analyzes pacific relations and the transnational relations of Asian Americans in the United States. A relation being how they symbolize the western and eastern cultures. They have changed from cheap labor workers to middle class workers since the migration to the US. The Asian Americans still strive for recognition because through the eyes of society, they are still considered “Asians” and not “Americans”. Hu-Dehart have analyzed that politics have gained much more recognition. This is similar to how Barack Obama becoming president gained a lot of recognition. Political affairs is one of the major mainstreams in America. Gary Locke gaining a status in the political affairs was not enough as Hu-Dehart says. Fighting for a higher position may take years to accomplish for Asian Americans.

Question: Are there other ways for Asian Americans to gain recognition than having to go through political affairs?

-Kurt Romero

Work Cited
Hu-Dehart, Evelyn. "Introduction: Asian American Formations in the Age of the Globalization." Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Globalization. Philadelphia: Temple University
Press. 1999. Print.
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