Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week1 Blog- MV

Asian American Displacement” by Anderson and Lee introduces an interesting topic on the relation between displacement of Asians in the America and an identity crisis.  Throughout the chapter, facts are thrown at the readers to give them a sense of understanding in why Asians feel the need to immigrate to different parts of the world,  reasons pertaining to seeking refuge, jobs, and family. Their displacement to the Americas has given them a place to relocate and recreate their identity by cultivating both cultures into their lifestyle: culture of origin and the American culture. As a result, diasporic communities were created to maintain the cultural aspects and connection to their homeland. During the class activity where we introduce ourselves to another, my partner identified herself through her ethnic background instead of her national background. Yet, she does not deny her nationality. 
Question: Must we identify ourselves with a certain identity?

Anderson, Wanni W. Displacements and Diasporas: Asians in the Americas. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers UP, 2005.

By: Mai Vang

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