Saturday, March 7, 2020

Week 10_ Joyce Vea _ASA114

Image result for asian american hyphen

In Regina Lee’s “Theorizing Diasporas: Three Types of Consciousness” she discusses three froms of consciousness exhibited by the diaspora: “idealization of homeland, boutique multicultural manifestation, and transitional/transnational identity politics” (p. 53). Homeland idealization basically speaks of the diaspora’s distant connection to the home country, and the myth of return that serves as a powerful motivation for the community. Due to the physical separation from the homeland and exotic othering by the host country, the community is trapped by the idealized concept of home. Boutique multicultural manifestation describes the rise of multicultural cities — leading to the race and ethnicity becoming an important marker of identity. Diasporic people gather together in similar spaces because they feel a connection with others from the same community who also experience separation from the homeland. Transitional identity politics relates to the hyphen that exists to represent diasporic people that are caught in between the home and host identities, who are part in a unique community themselves.

Questions: What are present and future issues that threaten the diaspora? How are ethnic enclaves important to building solidarity in the homeland? How is film contributing to the diaspora and the community's experience with displacement?

Lee, Regina. "Theorizing diasporas: Three types of consciousness." Asian diasporas: Cultures, identities, representations (2004): 53-76.

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