Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 10 - Mimi Le

Anderson and Lee “Crossing Borders of Disciplines and Departments” raised awareness  to the 9/11 attack that caused racial inequality and social injustice  to American Americans, especially Arabs and Muslims, that they had to face. By being deported for small crimes such as traffic violation and immigrants struggling to find work in America took a huge toll on some families. The way Sher Singh was brutally shot after proven not being a terrorist, having to justify his business trip in order to be released from an arrest that didn’t need to happen in the first place. It caused an uproar in the community, showing the injustice that was brought upon him. Following events of immigrants being shot dead in front of gas stations how Muslims were now new targets. This is upsetting because similar to the corona virus, people are finding excuses to act a certain way or be racist towards Asian Americans.

Question: Does history actually repeat itself? Are people reverting back to the racial inequality that once divided the nation?

Work Cited:

Anderson and Lee. “Crossing Borders of Disciplines and Departments.” Displacements.

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