Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 10_Julie Guan_ASA114

The piece, “Theorizing Diasporas: Three Types of Consciousness” by Regina Lee focuses on the concept of the diaspora arguing that “diasporic communities tend to exhibit … three main types of psychological states … which are: the idealization of homeland, boutique multicultural manifestation, and transitional/transformational identity politics” (Lee 54). This chapter discusses the topics that we have touched on throughout this quarter in class. Lee demonstrates the impacts of globalization upon the diaspora that reiterates the three states that the diaspora demonstrates. She speaks of homeland idealism which is a strong identification with the homeland by the diaspora. In this class, we noted that the diaspora has a connection to the homeland. Lee states that the idea of the homeland traps the diaspora within an idealized state where they feel isolated from both the home and host countries due to their idealization of home. Globalization plays a role in that by motivating the migration of the diaspora but also connecting the diaspora to the homeland through the process of transnationalism. Furthermore, globalization had an impact on the development of multicultural societies but also reinforced the dominance of white culture, thus prescribing ethnic culture as that of the “other”. The last type of diaspora that Lee mentions would be transitional identity politics which can be also known as a hybrid identity. Ultimately, this piece brings together the many things that we have learned in this class throughout the quarter, regarding the diaspora. 

Globalization plays a role in the development of the identities with the diaspora, if globalization did not exist would the factors that are displayed by diasporic communities still be the same?   

Map shows where the diasporas within the US come from

Works Cited (picture)

Regina Lee. "Theorizing Diaspora: Three Types of Consciousness."

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