Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 2 Blog

In “Introduction: Asian American Formations in the Age of Globalization,” Evelyn Hu­Dehart discusses how different aspects of Asian Americans contributed to their globalization in the “Age of Globalization.” I was particularly drawn to the section about how books were used to explain Asian success in globalized economies because it reminds me of how influential and prevalent literature is in society when it comes to forming and swaying the thoughts and opinions of others. I also found it interesting that certain components of Asian values were incorporated into American values through generations of Asian immigrants coming into the United States. This particular reading relates to this week’s theme of globalization because it talks about what role Asian Americans had during the Age of Globalization. It also relates to current events outside of class in the sense that books and other written media still have a profound effect on people’s opinions in society as have the books referred to in the reading.

Question: Why were the specific values of hard work, self-sacrifice, delayed gratification, and love of learning adopted into the United States over other societal values practiced in Asia?

Hu-Dehart, Evelyn. “Introduction: Asian American Formations in the Age of Globalization.”Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Globalization. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1999. Print.

-Brittany Carlson

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